Event List

Age Range
Age Range
Program Type

Primary tabs

This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.

Library Tales for Tails

Saturday, June 21, 2025 at 10:00am - 11:00am
GUT Children's Library at Guthrie - Hanover
Program Type:
Animals & Nature
Age Group:
School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8
Event Details:

Schedule an appointment to read to one of our amazing reading therapy dogs! Call and ask for the Children’s Library to schedule a 15-minute session. Therapy dogs visit the library ...

Library Branch: Guthrie - Hanover
Room or Offsite Location: GUT Children's Library
Age Group: School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8
Program Type: Animals & Nature
Event Details:

Schedule an appointment to read to one of our amazing reading therapy dogs! Call and ask for the Children’s Library to schedule a 15-minute session. Therapy dogs visit the library every Saturday 10am-11am. 717-632-5183 ext. 6220



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Everyone" group.

Rides 4 Reads

Saturday, June 21, 2025 at 10:00am - 2:00pm
Glatfelter - Spring Grove
Program Type:
Food & Culinary, Fundraiser, Party/Social Gathering
Age Group:
Babies/Toddlers, Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens, Adults, Everyone
Event Details:

Join us for the 4th Annual Rides 4 Reads Car Show and Vendor Fair Fundraiser benefitting the Glatfelter Memorial Library and sponsored by the Friends of Glatfelter Memorial Library...

Library Branch: Glatfelter - Spring Grove
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers, Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens, Adults, Everyone
Program Type: Food & Culinary, Fundraiser, Party/Social Gathering
Event Details:

Join us for the 4th Annual Rides 4 Reads Car Show and Vendor Fair Fundraiser benefitting the Glatfelter Memorial Library and sponsored by the Friends of Glatfelter Memorial Library.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Saturday Page Turners

Saturday, June 21, 2025 at 10:30am - 11:45am
VIL Friendship Room at Village - Jacobus
Program Type:
Book Club
Age Group:
Event Details:

Join this relaxed group in reading, discussing and snacking our way through a variety of books.3rd Saturday of each month from 10:30 am to 11:45 am, September through June.

Library Branch: Village - Jacobus
Room or Offsite Location: VIL Friendship Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Book Club
Event Details:

Join this relaxed group in reading, discussing and snacking our way through a variety of books.

3rd Saturday of each month from 10:30 am to 11:45 am, September through June.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teen Tiny Book Craft

Saturday, June 21, 2025 at 11:30am - 12:30pm
KRE Community Room at Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Program Type:
Arts & Crafts
Age Group:
Event Details:

Create a tiny version of your favorite book! This program is for teens aged 12-18. 

Library Branch: Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Room or Offsite Location: KRE Community Room
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Arts & Crafts
Event Details:

Create a tiny version of your favorite book! 

This program is for teens aged 12-18. 

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Manga Book Club

Saturday, June 21, 2025 at 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Program Type:
Book Club
Age Group:
Event Details:

Manga Book Club is a program for teens (12-18) to meet and discuss their favorite manga, what they’re currently reading and get suggestions for what to read next. Each month the gr...

Library Branch: Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Book Club
Event Details:

Manga Book Club is a program for teens (12-18) to meet and discuss their favorite manga, what they’re currently reading and get suggestions for what to read next.

This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.

Kids Grab & Go craft

All Day
Red Land - Etters
Program Type:
Arts & Crafts
Age Group:
Grades K-5
Event Details:

We'll be releasing a new Grab & Go craft every Monday through the end of July. Supplies are limited, so be sure to stop by the library early in the week to get yours!For kids a...

Library Branch: Red Land - Etters
Age Group: Grades K-5
Program Type: Arts & Crafts
Event Details:

We'll be releasing a new Grab & Go craft every Monday through the end of July. Supplies are limited, so be sure to stop by the library early in the week to get yours!

For kids ages 6-12.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.

Online LEGO® Challenge

All Day
KRE Virtual/Online Event at Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Program Type:
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8
Event Details:

Have some legos at home and can't make it to the library? Then the Online LEGO® Challenge is for you!! Each Monday a new challenge will be posted to Kreutz Creek's Facebook and Ins...

Virtual Event
Library Branch: Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Room or Offsite Location: KRE Virtual/Online Event
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8
Program Type: Science/STEAM
Event Details:

Have some legos at home and can't make it to the library? Then the Online LEGO® Challenge is for you!! Each Monday a new challenge will be posted to Kreutz Creek's Facebook and Instagram pages. 

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Summer Breakfast

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 10:00am - 10:30am
MAR Children's Library at Martin - York
Program Type:
Food & Culinary
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Event Details:

Youth 18 and under are invited to come and have breakfast at the library.

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Children's Library
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Program Type: Food & Culinary
Event Details:

Youth 18 and under are invited to come and have breakfast at the library.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


Food will be served at this event. If you have any questions or concerns about dietary or allergy restrictions, please contact the library before arriving.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Here for You: New Pennsylvania Project

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 10:00am - 12:00pm
MAR Atrium at Martin - York
Program Type:
Life Skills
Age Group:
Event Details:

Martin Library is pleased to host a variety of local agencies at a table in our atrium for free, walk-up help. Today’s agency is:New Pennsylvania ProjectThe New Pennsylvania Projec...

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Atrium
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Life Skills
Event Details:

Martin Library is pleased to host a variety of local agencies at a table in our atrium for free, walk-up help. Today’s agency is:

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.

Baby Story Time

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 10:15am - 10:45am
GUT Children's Program Room at Guthrie - Hanover
Program Type:
Early Learning, Story Time
Age Group:
Event Details:

Build baby's early learning skills! Play and socialize with other families, then enjoy reading and singing with Miss Kelly. Ages birth-2.

Library Branch: Guthrie - Hanover
Room or Offsite Location: GUT Children's Program Room
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers
Program Type: Early Learning, Story Time
Event Details:

Build baby's early learning skills! Play and socialize with other families, then enjoy reading and singing with Miss Kelly. Ages birth-2.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschool" group.


Monday, June 23, 2025 at 10:30am - 11:15am
MAR Family Place at Martin - York
Program Type:
Story Time
Age Group:
Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
Event Details:

Songbird Studios in York presents this music and movement filled story time for children ages 0-3. Registration appreciated.  

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Family Place
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
Program Type: Story Time
Seats Remaining: 20
Event Details:

Songbird Studios in York presents this music and movement filled story time for children ages 0-3. Registration appreciated.





The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "School Age" group.

LEGO® Challenge

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 11:00am - 12:00pm
Red Land - Etters
Program Type:
Age Group:
School Age
Event Details:

Using the library’s extensive collection of LEGO® bricks, challenge yourself and your family and friends to build the ultimate LEGO structure. For kids ages 6-12.

Library Branch: Red Land - Etters
Age Group: School Age
Program Type: Science/STEAM
Event Details:

Using the library’s extensive collection of LEGO® bricks, challenge yourself and your family and friends to build the ultimate LEGO structure. 

For kids ages 6-12.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.

Grab and Go

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 12:00pm - 7:00pm
Program Type:
Arts & Crafts, Science/STEAM
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5
Event Details:

Pick up a themed kit every Monday while supplies last!

Library Branch: Dover
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Science/STEAM
Event Details:

Pick up a themed kit every Monday while supplies last!

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Here for You: Tec Centro York

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 1:00pm - 2:30pm
MAR Atrium at Martin - York
Program Type:
Life Skills
Age Group:
Event Details:

Martin Library is pleased to host a variety of local agencies at a table in our atrium for free, walk-up help. Today’s agency is:Tec Centro YorkTec Centro York (https://teccentroyo...

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Atrium
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Life Skills
Event Details:

Martin Library is pleased to host a variety of local agencies at a table in our atrium for free, walk-up help. Today’s agency is:

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Juggling for Teens with AJ Myers

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 1:30pm - 2:30pm
GLA Board Room at Glatfelter - Spring Grove
Program Type:
Special Guest/Performer
Age Group:
Event Details:

Have you ever wanted to learn how to juggle? Balance a bowling pin on your chin? Other things?Taught by the Appell Center's AJ Myers, this 1-hour class will give you the opportunit...

Library Branch: Glatfelter - Spring Grove
Room or Offsite Location: GLA Board Room
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Special Guest/Performer
Seats Remaining: 30
Event Details:

Have you ever wanted to learn how to juggle? Balance a bowling pin on your chin? Other things?



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Summer Lunch

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 2:00pm - 3:00pm
MAR Family Place at Martin - York
Program Type:
Food & Culinary
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Event Details:

Youth ages 18 and under are invited to join us at the library for lunch.

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Family Place
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Program Type: Food & Culinary
Event Details:

Youth ages 18 and under are invited to join us at the library for lunch.



Food will be served at this event. If you have any questions or concerns about dietary or allergy restrictions, please contact the library before arriving.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Open Hours for Teen Gaming

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 4:00pm - 8:00pm
DIL Public Meeting Room at Dillsburg
Program Type:
Age Group:
Event Details:

Thanks to the amazing folks at The Bodhana Group, we have a new collection of tabletop games here at the Dillsburg Library.  Anyone can come play whenever the library is open....

Library Branch: Dillsburg
Room or Offsite Location: DIL Public Meeting Room
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Games
Event Details:

Thanks to the amazing folks at The Bodhana Group, we have a new collection of tabletop games here at the Dillsburg Library.  Anyone can come play whenever the library is open.

This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teen Pop Culture Trivia Night

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
GUT Teen Library at Guthrie - Hanover
Program Type:
Age Group:
Grades 6-8, Teens
Event Details:

Do you live and breathe Top 40? Do you know more about the latest celebrity beef than any current events? Do you spend too much time on that dang phone? Join us for Pop Culture Tri...

Library Branch: Guthrie - Hanover
Room or Offsite Location: GUT Teen Library
Age Group: Grades 6-8, Teens
Program Type: Games
Seats Remaining: 16
Event Details:

Do you live and breathe Top 40? Do you know more about the latest celebrity beef than any current events? Do you spend too much time on that dang phone? Join us for Pop Culture Trivia Night!



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.

Bedtime Story Time

Monday, June 23, 2025 at 6:30pm - 7:00pm
GUT Children's Program Room at Guthrie - Hanover
Program Type:
Early Learning, Story Time
Age Group:
Babies/Toddlers, Preschool, Grades K-5
Event Details:

Put on your jammies and enjoy stories, songs, and rhymes with Miss Kelly! Everyone is welcome but best suited for ages 5 and under.

Library Branch: Guthrie - Hanover
Room or Offsite Location: GUT Children's Program Room
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers, Preschool, Grades K-5
Program Type: Early Learning, Story Time
Event Details:

Put on your jammies and enjoy stories, songs, and rhymes with Miss Kelly! Everyone is welcome but best suited for ages 5 and under.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschool" group.

Outdoor Story Time

Tuesday, June 24, 2025 at 9:30am - 10:00am
DOV Lehr Park at Dover
Program Type:
Early Learning, Outdoor, Story Time
Age Group:
Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
Event Details:

Sing, read, and play at Outdoor Story Time Tuesdays at 9:30AM this summer! We'll meet outside at Lehr Park (right next to the library).  Please bring a blanket or chairs to si...

Library Branch: Dover
Room or Offsite Location: DOV Lehr Park
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
Program Type: Early Learning, Outdoor, Story Time
Event Details:

Sing, read, and play at Outdoor Story Time Tuesdays at 9:30AM this summer! We'll meet outside at Lehr Park (right next to the library).  Please bring a blanket or chairs to sit on. 



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Summer Breakfast

Tuesday, June 24, 2025 at 10:00am - 10:30am
MAR Children's Library at Martin - York
Program Type:
Food & Culinary
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Event Details:

Youth 18 and under are invited to come and have breakfast at the library.

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Children's Library
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Program Type: Food & Culinary
Event Details:

Youth 18 and under are invited to come and have breakfast at the library.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


Food will be served at this event. If you have any questions or concerns about dietary or allergy restrictions, please contact the library before arriving.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.

Penn Township Community Park Story Time

Tuesday, June 24, 2025 at 10:00am - 10:45am
GUT Offsite Location at Guthrie - Hanover
Program Type:
Early Learning, Outdoor, Story Time
Age Group:
Babies/Toddlers, Preschool, School Age
Event Details:

Join Miss Kelly at Penn Township Community Park for stories, songs and fun! Enjoy time outside under the big pavilion for story time and then play at Kids Kingdom for a great famil...

Offsite Event
Library Branch: Guthrie - Hanover
Room or Offsite Location: GUT Offsite Location
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers, Preschool, School Age
Program Type: Early Learning, Outdoor, Story Time
Event Details:

Join Miss Kelly at Penn Township Community Park for stories, songs and fun! Enjoy time outside under the big pavilion for story time and then play at Kids Kingdom for a great family time adventure!



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Here for You: Community Benefits Solutions

Tuesday, June 24, 2025 at 10:00am - 12:00pm
MAR Atrium at Martin - York
Program Type:
Health & Wellness
Age Group:
Event Details:

Martin Library is pleased to host a variety of local agencies at a table in our atrium for free, walk-up help. Today’s agency is:Community Benefits SolutionsCommunity Benefits Solu...

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Atrium
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Health & Wellness
Event Details:

Martin Library is pleased to host a variety of local agencies at a table in our atrium for free, walk-up help. Today’s agency is:

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.

Baby Story Time

Tuesday, June 24, 2025 at 10:15am - 10:45am
Paul Smith - Shrewsbury
Program Type:
Story Time
Age Group:
Event Details:

Join Miss Katie for stories, songs, shakers and more! Suggested ages 0-2 years. Summer Story Times will take place on Tuesdays June 3-August 12 (No story times July 1). W...

Library Branch: Paul Smith - Shrewsbury
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers
Program Type: Story Time
Event Details:

Join Miss Katie for stories, songs, shakers and more! Suggested ages 0-2 years. 

Summer Story Times will take place on Tuesdays June 3-August 12 (No story times July 1).