Event List

Age Range
Age Range
Program Type

Primary tabs

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Button Making

Tuesday, July 22, 2025 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Martin - York
Program Type:
Arts & Crafts, Science/STEAM
Age Group:
Event Details:

Come to Martin Library Teens, 2nd floor, Solver Space, on Tuesdays, from 4:00-5:30 pm, if you are interested in creating, designing, or exploring Button Making. 

Library Branch: Martin - York
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Science/STEAM
Event Details:

Come to Martin Library Teens, 2nd floor, Solver Space, on Tuesdays, from 4:00-5:30 pm, if you are interested in creating, designing, or exploring Button Making. 



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teen Poetry Workshop and Open Mic

Tuesday, July 22, 2025 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
MAR Teens at Martin - York
Program Type:
Health & Wellness, Job & Career Prep, Music & Dance, Party/Social Gathering
Age Group:
Event Details:

If you enjoy writing, reading, and sharing your poetry with peers, please come to Martin Library Teens, 2nd floor,  to participate in a teen-led poetry workshop in our Teen St...

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Teens
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Health & Wellness, Job & Career Prep, Music & Dance, Party/Social Gathering
Event Details:

If you enjoy writing, reading, and sharing your poetry with peers, please come to Martin Library Teens, 2nd floor,  to participate in a teen-led poetry workshop in our Teen Study on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 4:00-5:30 pm.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

VIdeo Game Play at Martin Library Teens, 2nd floor

Tuesday, July 22, 2025 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Martin - York
Program Type:
Games, Science/STEAM
Age Group:
Event Details:

If you like playing age-appropriate video games with friends, come to Martin Library Teens, on the 2nd floor, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 4:00-5:30 pm.

Library Branch: Martin - York
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Games, Science/STEAM
Event Details:

If you like playing age-appropriate video games with friends, come to Martin Library Teens, on the 2nd floor, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 4:00-5:30 pm.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Youth Chess Club

Tuesday, July 22, 2025 at 5:00pm - 7:30pm
GUT Teen Library at Guthrie - Hanover
Program Type:
Games, Science/STEAM
Age Group:
Grades 6-8, Teens
Event Details:

All skill levels are welcome! Pre-registration is not required for this program. 

Library Branch: Guthrie - Hanover
Room or Offsite Location: GUT Teen Library
Age Group: Grades 6-8, Teens
Program Type: Games, Science/STEAM
Event Details:

All skill levels are welcome! 

Pre-registration is not required for this program. 

This event is in the "Adults" group.

The Friends of Kreutz Creek Library Support Group Meeting

Tuesday, July 22, 2025 at 5:30pm - 6:30pm
KRE Community Room at Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Program Type:
Age Group:
Event Details:

On the fourth Tuesday of the month the Friends of Kreutz Creek Library gather together to exchange ideas for fundraising events and to raise awareness of the library in the communi...

Library Branch: Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Room or Offsite Location: KRE Community Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Fundraiser
Event Details:

On the fourth Tuesday of the month the Friends of Kreutz Creek Library gather together to exchange ideas for fundraising events and to raise awareness of the library in the community.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Everyone" group.

Family Game Night

Tuesday, July 22, 2025 at 5:30pm - 7:45pm
Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Program Type:
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens, Adults, Everyone
Event Details:

Bring the whole family for a night of fun! Play one of our games or bring your own. Drop-in any time between 5:30pm and 7:45pm.No RSVP necessary!

Library Branch: Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens, Adults, Everyone
Program Type: Games
Event Details:

Bring the whole family for a night of fun! Play one of our games or bring your own. Drop-in any time between 5:30pm and 7:45pm.

No RSVP necessary!



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Trivia Night At Guthrie

Tuesday, July 22, 2025 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
GUT John & Joan Bare Center at Guthrie - Hanover
Program Type:
Games, Party/Social Gathering
Age Group:
Event Details:

Trivia Night at GuthrieGrab your friends and family to make a team of up to 4 people and compete to win prizes and more importantly, bragging rights.  Teams greater than 4 peo...

Library Branch: Guthrie - Hanover
Room or Offsite Location: GUT John & Joan Bare Center
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Games, Party/Social Gathering
Event Details:

Trivia Night at Guthrie

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschool" group.

Indoor Story Time

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 10:00am - 10:30am
DOV Program Room at Dover
Program Type:
Early Learning, Story Time
Age Group:
Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
Event Details:

Sing, read, and play at Indoor Story Time Wednesdays at 10:00AM this summer! Free play afterwards!All ages welcome! No registration required! Please check our social medi...

Library Branch: Dover
Room or Offsite Location: DOV Program Room
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
Program Type: Early Learning, Story Time
Event Details:

Sing, read, and play at Indoor Story Time Wednesdays at 10:00AM this summer! Free play afterwards!

All ages welcome! No registration required! 



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Summer Breakfast

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 10:00am - 10:30am
MAR Children's Library at Martin - York
Program Type:
Food & Culinary
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Event Details:

Youth 18 and under are invited to come and have breakfast at the library.

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Children's Library
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Program Type: Food & Culinary
Event Details:

Youth 18 and under are invited to come and have breakfast at the library.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


Food will be served at this event. If you have any questions or concerns about dietary or allergy restrictions, please contact the library before arriving.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.

Library Along Lake Marburg

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 10:00am - 10:45am
GUT Offsite Location at Guthrie - Hanover
Program Type:
Animals & Nature, Arts & Crafts, Outdoor, Science/STEAM, Story Time
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5
Event Details:

Join Miss Kelly and Miss Renae from Codorus State Park to learn about a different native animal each week, plus stories, games and a craft. Meet at the Classroom Building on Marina...

Offsite Event
Library Branch: Guthrie - Hanover
Room or Offsite Location: GUT Offsite Location
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5
Program Type: Animals & Nature, Arts & Crafts, Outdoor, Science/STEAM, Story Time
Event Details:

Join Miss Kelly and Miss Renae from Codorus State Park to learn about a different native animal each week, plus stories, games and a craft. Meet at the Classroom Building on Marina Road.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.

Outdoor Story Time

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 10:30am - 11:00am
GLA Outdoor Pavilion at Glatfelter - Spring Grove
Program Type:
Outdoor, Story Time
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8
Event Details:

Experience the great outdoors with a Story Time in our pavilion.  Miss Sara will read some stories and then explore the library's nature areas.  This program is for ages ...

Library Branch: Glatfelter - Spring Grove
Room or Offsite Location: GLA Outdoor Pavilion
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8
Program Type: Outdoor, Story Time
Event Details:

Experience the great outdoors with a Story Time in our pavilion.  Miss Sara will read some stories and then explore the library's nature areas.  This program is for ages 3 and up.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.

Baby and Toddler Story Time with Songbird Studios (formerly Kindermusik)

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 10:30am - 11:15am
KRE Community Room at Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Program Type:
Special Guest/Performer, Story Time
Age Group:
Event Details:

Come sing, dance and play at this special program for Babies and Toddlers and their caregivers presented by Songbird Studios (formerly Kindermusik at Windham Music Studios). Ages 0...

Library Branch: Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Room or Offsite Location: KRE Community Room
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers
Program Type: Special Guest/Performer, Story Time
Seats Remaining: Unlimited
Event Details:

Come sing, dance and play at this special program for Babies and Toddlers and their caregivers presented by Songbird Studios (formerly Kindermusik at Windham Music Studios). Ages 0-3. Registration Required.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Babies/Toddlers" group.

Baby and Toddler Story Time

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 10:30am - 11:30am
DIL Children's Room at Dillsburg
Program Type:
Early Learning, Story Time
Age Group:
Event Details:

Babies, toddlers and their caregivers join us for free play, lap bounces, stories, songs, and action rhymes.Recommended for ages 0-3, but all are welcome.No registration required.

Library Branch: Dillsburg
Room or Offsite Location: DIL Children's Room
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers
Program Type: Early Learning, Story Time
Event Details:

Babies, toddlers and their caregivers join us for free play, lap bounces, stories, songs, and action rhymes.

Recommended for ages 0-3, but all are welcome.

No registration required.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Everyone" group.

Science Heroes: Adventure of the Missing Color

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 10:30am - 11:30am
MAS Offsite Location at Mason-Dixon - Stewartstown
Program Type:
Science/STEAM, Special Guest/Performer
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Adults, Everyone
(SQ 2025) Science Heroes: Adventure of the Missing Color:

Join Science Heroes on our mission to turn science into an adventure!Through hands-on experiments and fun, interactive stories, we get kids excited about the science that’s all aro...

Offsite Event
Library Branch: Mason-Dixon - Stewartstown
Room or Offsite Location: MAS Offsite Location
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Adults, Everyone
Program Type: Science/STEAM, Special Guest/Performer

Join Science Heroes on our mission to turn science into an adventure!

Through hands-on experiments and fun, interactive stories, we get kids excited about the science that’s all around us as we celebrate the scientists who color our world with art!

This program is geared for ages 6-11.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.

Colorful Creations: Popsicle Art

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 10:45am - 12:15pm
VIL Sidewalk at Village - Jacobus
Program Type:
Arts & Crafts
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age
Event Details:

Come join us each Wednesday morning as we dabble into the colorful world of arts and crafts. Throughout the summer, participants will be encouraged to work with different materials...

Library Branch: Village - Jacobus
Room or Offsite Location: VIL Sidewalk
Age Group: Preschool, School Age
Program Type: Arts & Crafts
Seats Remaining: Unlimited
Event Details:

Come join us each Wednesday morning as we dabble into the colorful world of arts and crafts. Throughout the summer, participants will be encouraged to work with different materials and artforms.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


It is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces for our community. Therefore, please avoid wearing any fragrances or scented substances to library events in order to provide a safe space for people with chemical sensitivities.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "School Age" group.

Tween Time

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 11:30am - 12:30pm
MAR Children's Library at Martin - York
Program Type:
Arts & Crafts, Games, Science/STEAM
Age Group:
School Age
Event Details:

Youth ages 9-11 are invited to come hang out with their peers to do a variety of activities such as art, science experiments, games, and more!

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Children's Library
Age Group: School Age
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Games, Science/STEAM
Event Details:

Youth ages 9-11 are invited to come hang out with their peers to do a variety of activities such as art, science experiments, games, and more!



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Juggling for Teens with Antonio Briley Jr.

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 12:30pm - 1:30pm
KRE Community Room at Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Program Type:
Special Guest/Performer
Age Group:
(SQ 2025) Juggling for Teens with Antonio Briley, Jr.:

Have you ever wanted to learn how to juggle? Balance a bowling pin on your chin? Other things? Taught by the Appell Center's man of many talents Antonio Briley, Jr. (you may k...

Library Branch: Kreutz Creek - Hellam
Room or Offsite Location: KRE Community Room
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Special Guest/Performer

Have you ever wanted to learn how to juggle? Balance a bowling pin on your chin? Other things? 

Taught by the Appell Center's man of many talents Antonio Briley, Jr. (you may know him as Bananaman), this 1-hour class will give you the opportunity to learn about all the quirky, interesting, and fun skills you've ever imagined, and some you haven't. 

This program is geared for ages 12-18.

This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.

Science Heroes!

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 1:00pm - 2:00pm
KAL Children's Area at Kaltreider-Benfer - Red Lion
Program Type:
Science/STEAM, Special Guest/Performer
Age Group:
School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8
(SQ 2025) Science Heroes: Adventure of the Missing Color:

Join Science Heroes on our mission to turn science into an adventure!Through hands-on experiments and fun, interactive stories, we get kids excited about the science that’s all aro...

Library Branch: Kaltreider-Benfer - Red Lion
Room or Offsite Location: KAL Children's Area
Age Group: School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8
Program Type: Science/STEAM, Special Guest/Performer

Join Science Heroes on our mission to turn science into an adventure!

Through hands-on experiments and fun, interactive stories, we get kids excited about the science that’s all around us as we celebrate the scientists who color our world with art!

This program is geared for ages 6-11.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.

DIY Marbled Paper Project: With Miss Bre

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 2:00pm - 3:00pm
GUT Children's Program Room at Guthrie - Hanover
Program Type:
Arts & Crafts, Science/STEAM
Age Group:
School Age, Grades K-5
(SQ 2025) DIY Marbled Paper Project: With Miss Bre:

Time to have some messy fun! Let’s explore colors in an attempt to make marbled paper! Each participant will have a finished piece to take home.This program is geared for ages 6-11...

Library Branch: Guthrie - Hanover
Room or Offsite Location: GUT Children's Program Room
Age Group: School Age, Grades K-5
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Science/STEAM
Seats Remaining: 15

Time to have some messy fun! Let’s explore colors in an attempt to make marbled paper! Each participant will have a finished piece to take home.

This program is geared for ages 6-11.

Register Below

Registration is required for this event.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "School Age" group.
This event is in the "Grades K-5" group.
This event is in the "Grades 6-8" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Summer Lunch

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 2:00pm - 3:00pm
MAR Family Place at Martin - York
Program Type:
Food & Culinary
Age Group:
Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Event Details:

Youth ages 18 and under are invited to join us at the library for lunch.

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Family Place
Age Group: Preschool, School Age, Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, Teens
Program Type: Food & Culinary
Event Details:

Youth ages 18 and under are invited to join us at the library for lunch.



Food will be served at this event. If you have any questions or concerns about dietary or allergy restrictions, please contact the library before arriving.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Escape Room Planning Session #4

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 2:00pm - 4:00pm
DIL Adult Area at Dillsburg
Program Type:
Age Group:
Event Details:

Create a mystery!Teens have creative control as we brainstorm and build an escape room for kids.  Help plan this year's theme, costumes, scenery, puzzles, and props at one or ...

Library Branch: Dillsburg
Room or Offsite Location: DIL Adult Area
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Games
Event Details:

Create a mystery!

Teens have creative control as we brainstorm and build an escape room for kids.  Help plan this year's theme, costumes, scenery, puzzles, and props at one or more of our planning sessions.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Digital Art

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
MAR Teens - Lounge at Martin - York
Program Type:
Arts & Crafts, Science/STEAM
Age Group:
Event Details:

Do you like drawing, painting, and designing using a Kamvas Digital Art Tablet? Are you interested in exploring using a digital art tablet? If your answer is yes to one or both of ...

Library Branch: Martin - York
Room or Offsite Location: MAR Teens - Lounge
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Science/STEAM
Event Details:

Do you like drawing, painting, and designing using a Kamvas Digital Art Tablet? Are you interested in exploring using a digital art tablet?



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Jewelry Making at Martin Library Teens, 2nd floor

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Martin - York
Program Type:
Arts & Crafts, Music & Dance
Age Group:
Event Details:

Listen to music, relax, and explore jewelry making with other creatives at Martin Library Teens, 2nd floor, in our Creative Space, Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30 pm. Bring a friend. See...

Library Branch: Martin - York
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Music & Dance
Event Details:

Listen to music, relax, and explore jewelry making with other creatives at Martin Library Teens, 2nd floor, in our Creative Space, Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30 pm. Bring a friend. See you soon.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Learn how to Play Board Games with Comic Store West

Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Martin - York
Program Type:
Age Group:
Event Details:

If you love board games, come join us every Wednesday at Martin Library Teens on the 2nd floor from 4:00-5:30 PM. Learn how to play cool games like Sushi Go, Marvel Smash Up, Ticke...

Library Branch: Martin - York
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Games
Event Details:

If you love board games, come join us every Wednesday at Martin Library Teens on the 2nd floor from 4:00-5:30 PM. Learn how to play cool games like Sushi Go, Marvel Smash Up, Ticket to Ride, Castle Panic, Zombie Dice, and many more.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Photo Consent

I understand that any images captured at this event may be used on print and online publications or social media.